Benefits of Associate Membership
The American Institute of Architects is a unified voice for the profession of architecture, dedicated to serving its members, advancing their values, and improving the quality of the built environment.
The American Institute of Architects Ventura County serves its members and the community by promoting the understanding and appreciation of Architecture and the profession of Architecture for the health, safety and wellbeing of the community. Benefits of membership include:
Career and personal growth.
Exposure on the AIAVC website and monthly e-newsletters.
Informational resources.
Mentoring opportunities.
Associate Member (Associate AIA)
An Associate Member is unlicensed to practice architecture in the USA, and meets one or more of the following criteria:
Professional degree in architecture, or
Currently working toward licensure, or
Currently working under the supervision of a licensed architect, or
Faculty member in an institution of higher education architecture program.
Once the application is accepted, the designation “Associate AIA” may be used as long as AIA membership is current.
International Associate Member
(International Associate AIA)
An International Associate Member requires that the applicant is licensed to practice architecture in another country and is not licensed to practice architecture in the USA. A copy of the architecture license(s) must be provided at the time of application. Once the application is accepted, the designation “International Associate AIA” may be used as long as AIA membership is current.
AIA Associate Membership: National – $122, State (CA) – $71, Local (VC) – $60 = $253 / year
AIA International Associate Membership: National – $204, State (CA) – $71, Local (VC) – $60 = $ 335 / year
Your membership is greatly appreciated. If you have any question, please contact AIAVC.